
While at HSE University, I have developed and taught graduate courses on research methods in social sciences, qualitative methods, and computational social science. I have also taught a graduate course on research methods at the Moscow School for Social and Economic Sciences. In 2021 I have also co-organized the first Summer Institute in Computational Social Science in Russia (SICSS HSE).

HSE University

  • Computational Social Science (2018 - 2022)
  • Field Work: Theory and Practice, 2018-2019
  • Research Methods in Social Sciences, 2015-2018


  • Co-organized and managed the school, developed the school’s program, taught a workshop on predicting life outcomes, developed and taught a workshop on Reddit as a source of digital traces data for social science research, June 2021

Moscow School for Social and Economic Sciences

  • Research Methods in Social Science (2015 - 2017)